Wednesday, November 20, 2013

outdoor update: deer fence

let's talk fencing for a minute.

after the first of the year, when 90% of the fences are re-done, we will talk a lot more about fencing. but for the sake of sharing the current fence status over here, i thought i'd share some images for your enjoyment.

with the exception of this fence line (along the left side of the house)….

most of the fencing on this property is falling apart. literally.

this fence that runs one full length along the back belongs to one neighbor. yet there are two different fence styles. both falling apart...

her fence meets up with a third neighbor…and that fence is equally as bad, if not worse...

the final fence, belonging to a 4th neighbor, is in "ehh" shape but the lattice along the top is falling apart and her dogs can easily fit their entire head through a few slats…

that works out nicely with the kids playing in this swing set area on the other side of her fence. not. ha! she agrees this needs to be remedied.

then there's the side gates, which we went ahead and demo'd during the pool renovation process. it was just easier for the trucks to back in and out from this side of the yard anyway. but wow, this side fence / gate was a doozy…

the back fencing will be completed the first week of january so i'll have lots of before and after pics for you guys once that happens. in the meantime, i went ahead and replaced the fence along the front property line because, well, you guessed it….it was awful too! actually, non-existent for the most part…

the front yard of this home faces a beautiful walking trail. the previous owners had this little 4' fence to define the property line...

i love seeing families and people riding bikes or walking dogs on this trail. but there needed to be some sense of security - not only keeping people off our property (which happened more than once), but additionally keeping my kids on our property. we needed a front fence, but i wanted something that didn't obstruct my view of the trail. iron fencing was a thought, but it was expensive given the length i needed out here.

the answer = deer fence!

not only is deer fence a perfect option if you're looking for a fence that doesn't obstruct a view, but it's also an inexpensive option, quick to put up and looks incredible! on monday, in a short 5 hours, the front property line went from this…

to this…


posts, framing and a kick plate went up…

then we sprayed the stain...

then the black wire went up. we nailed it to the backside of the fence so as to not see the nails on our side. lots and lots of nails…

5 hours later, a beautiful new fence!…

there are options for color when it comes to the fence wire. i opted for black because it appears to blend better...

now we are secure in front, but you can still enjoy the view…

i love this deer fence!!!

seeing this beautiful new fence gets me excited about the remaining fences in the new year.

have a great day!

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